Capitoline Hill Rome
The Capitoline Hill is the most famous of the Seven Hills of Rome. It is the smallest of the Seven Hills of Rome. Throughout ancient times, Capitoline Hill had numerous temples facing toward the Roman Forum.
- Today the Municipality of Rome and the Capitoline Museums are located in the twin palaces flanking the plaza
- The most noteworthy landmark is the Capitoline Wolf bronze statue that has a very strong historical background
- Romulus killed his brother Remus because he wanted to start buildung Rome on Capitoline Hill and not near the River Tiber
- While you are visiting the Capitoline Hill, you really to get relish one of the most beautiful panoramas in Europe archaeological Capitoline Hill
Legend claims that Rome was founded on Capitoline Hill by Romulus in 753 B.C. Romulus and his brother, Remus, were the kids of the god Mars and Silvia. She was the princess of Alba Longa who had been forced to be a vestal. The king of Alba Longa, the uncle of Romulus and Remus, aimed to kill them. However Silvia left them to fend for themselves, in the hopes that they would live. According to the legend, they were cared by a she-wolf, who nurtured them. Many years later Romulus brought together outlaws to attack the Sabine and kidnap their women and by doing so founded Rome.
The top of the Capitoline Hill was where ancient Romans built the Temple of Jupiter. Today the Municipality of Rome and the Capitoline Museums are located in the twin palaces flanking the plaza. If you visit here you will see some amazing views of the Forum. Michelangelo designed the Piazza del Campidoglio, the stairs and the surrounding buildings. He built it with perfect symmetry; they faced the Basilica di San Pietro. There is a statue of emperor Marcus Aurelius on horseback in center of Piazza. The stairs were built so they could be ridden up horseback without dismounting. The steps are a bit daunting. However you should make the trip up as the views of Rome from the top are well worth the climb. The most noteworthy landmark is the Capitoline Wolf bronze statue that has a very strong historical background. Behind the museum is the Tarpeian rock. It provides a spectacular view of the Roman Forum. Close by you can also find the Palazzo Venezia, which was the former residence of Mussolini.
The view of the Imperial Fora is breathtaking, also the Caesar's Forum on the side. Also what is visible in the Roman Forum is the Arch of Septimius Severus and Temple of Saturn. While you are visiting the Capitoline Hill, you really to get relish one of the most beautiful panoramas in Europe archaeological Capitoline Hill.
Phone number: +39 06 0608
Address: Piazza del Campidoglio, Rome, Italy