fountains in Rome

Fountain of the Four Rivers Rome
Fountain of the Four Rivers Rome Fountain of the Four Rivers - Piazza Navona, Rome In the center of Piazza Navona you can see the beautiful, famous and massive Fountain of the Four Rivers which was built in 1651 by the prominent architect Bernini. Bernini mostly worked in Rome throughou...
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Fountain of Neptune Rome
Fountain of Neptune Rome Fontana del Nettuno Fountain of Neptune Piazza Navona, Rome On the northern end is the Fountain of Neptune created by Giacomo della Porta in 1574. Originally it was called Fountain of the kettle makers because it was near a street were all the kettle mak...
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Fontana del Moro – Piazza Navona, Rome
Fontana del Moro - Piazza Navona Rome Facts At the southern end is the Fontana del Moro. It was built in 1574 built by Giacomo Della Porta during the reign of the Pope Gregorio XIII Boncompagni. In the year 1653 it completely got renovated and the Pope Innocent 10 th, related to the Pamphi...
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Triton Fountain Rome
Triton Fountain Rome Triton Fountain is a beautiful site to see. In the center of this magnificent fountain is the sculpture of Triton The Sea God. Triton the son of Neptune is shown as a strapping sea god. They say he blew his horn and thus put an end to the great flood. Titon is shooting water ...
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Piazza della Repubblica Rome
Piazza della Repubblica Rome Piazza della Repubblica Rome is a charming semicircular piazza situated in front of two grand curved buildings. In the surrounding area is the church of St. Mary of the Angels and Martyrs, which consists in part of what was the Baths of Diocletian. This Basilica has ...
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