Piazza del Popolo Rome
Popolo square
Piazza del Popolo Rome is one of the most famous Piazza’s in Rome. The origin of the name is uncertain and no one knows for sure why it’s called like this. “Popolo” means people, so the literal translation would be “people’s square. Historically though, “popolo” derives from the poplars (Latin:populus) after which the Church of Santa Maria del Popolo, in the northeast corner of the piazza, takes its name.
For many years Piazza del Popolo were traveler’s first view of Rome upon arrival. Traveler’s had to walk through the “Porta Flaminia” (Flaminia gate) of ancient Rome, and now called the “Porta del Popolo”. This was the starting point of the “Via Flaminia”, a famous road and the most important route if you wanted to travel to the north of Italy those days. Also, for centuries, Piazza del Popolo was a place for public executions, fairs, carnivals, games and competitions!
Three main important streets go off Piazza del Popolo (called Trident); Via del Corso, Via del Babuino and Via di Ripetta.
On Via del Corso you’ll mostly find the main non expensive shopping stores. If you follow Via di Ripetta you’ll bump right into the “Mausoleo di Augustino” and “l'Ara Pacis”. Via del Babuino offers some more of the exclusive shops like Channel, Moschino and some famous Italian designer stores!
The two twin Churches, Santa Maria in Montesanto (1675) and Santa Maria dei Miracoli (1678), where built by Alessandro VII. Sadly they had finished with construction only after the Pope had died. Another church off of Piazza del Popolo is Santa Maria del Popolo.
An Egyptian obelisk of Ramesses II from Heliopolis stands in the center of the Piazza. The obelisk, known as the “obelisco Flaminio” or the “Popolo Obelisk”, is the second oldest and one of the tallest obelisks in Rome.
Many beautiful and elaborated fountains are found in Piazza del Popolo, like the Fontana di Nettuno and Fontana dell’Obelisco.
An artistic treasure house, built on the burial site of Emperor Nero, holds several major art collections, including two magnificent paintings done by Caravaggio!
Today’s layout of Piazza del Popolo was designed in neoclassical style by the architect Giuseppe Valadier. He demolished the Piazza to form two semicircles, replacing the original trapezoidal square centered on the Via Flaminia. He also built a road which leads up to the balustraded overlook from the Pincio (the Pincian Hill of ancient Rome). From the Pincio you have access to the Villa Borghese gardens and you have the best overlook on Piazza del Popolo!
Have a look at the Pincio when you climb up from Piazza del Popolo
- Snack bar on top of Pincio hill right when you reach the top when walking up he stairs from Piazza del Popolo
Once you arrived at the Pincio you could easily hop over to Villa Borghese Park and also visit the Borghese Gallery - Piazzale Museo Borghese, 5 - 00197 Rome. You'll be able to admire the Cardinal Scipione’s 17th-century collection!
What You can expect to see when visiting Piazza del Popolo in Rome:
In these days Piazza del Popolo is a place where many exhibitions are held. Behind the walls of Piazza del Popolo, to your right when you're standing in front of the twin churches, you can find a scooter (starting at euro 50,00) and bike rental (3.00 euro/hour). In front of the twin churches to your left when facing them, you'll find a taxi stand. In the afternoon, you can find a Michael Jackson imitator, political encounters or speeches. I took a picture of two fascinating artists when I passed that day! Maybe you can figure it out…I sure couldn’t!
Piazza del Popolo is always open to the public. You can go by foot whenever you like. It’s closed for traffic during the day but you can drive around it (there is a street that surrounds it) after 6.00PM. Cars with a special permit and taxis can pass all the time.
How to get there: With the Metro A (the entrance is right behind the "Porta del Pololo" to your left facing Via Flaminia) and you get off “Flaminio” Piazza del Popolo or if you’d like to walk a bit you can also get off “Spagna” but it’s a little further.
Buses Nr. 88, 95, 117, 119, 490 and 495.
Souvenirs and Shopping at Piazza del Popolo
Around Piazza del Popolo there are many nice shops…especially for men! Guy’s this is your Piazza. If you’re looking for a handmade shirt (Italians usually put their initials on the bottom) then this is the Piazza for you! “Boggi” from Milan has a store here and I guess you’ve have already heard about “Borsalino” the famous hat maker?! Well, they’re right next to Piazza del Popolo! Also, we have one of the best shoe stores “Re Mishelle” right across the corner! We will also feature a “collector of odd antiques” and “Alfieri” a genuine Italian leather store.
My recommended places to eat when visiting Piazza del Popolo
The most exclusive and expensive restaurants are found near Piazza del Popolo. If you’re up for famous Italian actors, go to the “Bolognese”. If you’d like to forget that you’re right in the middle of a city, have your dinner in a luxurious garden at the “Le Jardin De Russie” Restaurant. If you’re looking for a vegan place, go to Il Margutta vegetarian restaurant…to find out more just visit our page dedicated to eating when visiting Piazza del Popolo!
When you walk up the stairs towards the Pincio you are near to: Villa Borghese Park, Galleria Borghese and Bioparco di Roma (zoo).
When you are standing on the square you are close to: Church Santa Maria del Popolo and Via del Corso